Dynamic CRM (Customer Relationship Management): Customer Retention and Acquisition

Your company...

Retaining customers costs a lot less for a company than acquiring new ones.

There are two types of company managers: those with a commercial mindset and those with a technical, analytical mindset. A successful company needs both. Few companies do without prospecting; they all do business. Doing business is not simply a matter of prospecting to win new customers - that's a necessity - but first of all... not losing the customers you've already acquired! While prospecting and acquiring new customers are necessary, businesses should prioritize retaining their existing customers.

Managing salespeople is not an easy task. It requires keeping them aligned with the company's goals while allowing them the freedom to make a difference. Young salespeople bring energy, while experienced ones bring expertise. Some business sectors require technical skills to be sold, others require service...

Although less "framed" than operational production, the sales department needs to be managed and evaluated. It requires a minimum of support, procedures, reporting and organization. The company has a strategy and wishes to evolve in a "given direction", which requires management.

Salespeople should have a deep understanding of their company and take proactive measures to seek out potential clients. They should listen to their customers, understand their needs, and offer tailored solutions. Salespeople should also be able to admit mistakes, say no when necessary, and provide suggestions for improvement.

The challenge lies in orchestrating all these elements harmoniously.


The Simpleter solution

Simpleter provides your sales team and yourself with a customized and user-friendly sales management solution.

Simpleter’s CRM module interacts with the operational side of your business to effectively track and enhance customer relationships. Remember the aforementioned reality that "retaining customers is much more cost-effective for a company than acquiring new ones." Establishing a good relationship, based on respect and communication, between the operational team and the sales team is crucial. Simpleter structures sales support materials, keeping them up-to-date and readily accessible.

Simpleter incorporates all the necessary functions for effective customer relationship management (CRM): customer and prospect tracking, scheduling, alerts and follow-up reminders, non- compliances, and more. There are numerous management reports available, such as sales force profitability, volume, growth, performance, and more. The proposal templates specific to your business are configured to ensure compliance, improve responsiveness, and enhance the quality of presentations.

Simpleter is flexible and dynamic.


Let’s start simplifying your business right away!

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