Frequently Asked Questions

Foire aux questions simpleter

Welcome to Simpleter's FAQ section, your source for quick and easy answers to any questions you may have about our ERP software. Whether you're a first-time user, a seasoned expert or looking for an all-in-one, efficient ERP solution, this section will answer all your questions in no time. We're delighted to be able to offer you this valuable resource to provide you with relevant information and to help you better understand Simpleter software and maximize its functionality. Explore our Frequently Asked Questions now and don't hesitate to contact us if you can't find the answer to your question, so we can answer it and add it to this section.
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Definition of SaaS mode

Simpleter has chosen SaaS (Software as a Service) mode for its business management software. This is a fairly recent concept, which enables our customers to access the Simpleter solution remotely, rather than purchasing it and having to install it on their own hardware.

SaaS mode operation

SaaS mode involves providing a subscription to an application via the Internet.

Users simply need a computer, tablet or smartphone and an Internet connection to access the Simpleter application, using a personal, nominative and secure access code to work. This choice of SaaS mode means that our customers don't have to host our application or store their data in-house..

This choice of SaaS mode means that our customers don't have to host our application or store their data in-house.

So there's no need to buy servers to host our software. No heavy investment is required, nor any specific technical skills. What's more, maintenance and updates of our ERP are handled directly by Simpleter.

The advantages of SaaS mode

  • SaaS management offers our customers a number of advantages:
  • No software to purchase or install on customer hardware
  • No data stored internally by our customers
  • Automatic updates of the Simpleter management tool
  • The application can be used anywhere, anytime: all you need is an Internet connection and a computer, tablet or smartphone to connect and work.
  • SaaS management also offers a higher level of security than in-house management.

Our customers can save IT resources thanks to our choice of SaaS mode operation for the Simpleter application and get rid of maintenance constraints.

The fact that Simpleter ERP is delivered in SaaS mode via the Internet gives our customers another significant advantage: they can access it from any connected device (computer, tablet, smartphone) and from any geographical location . Accessibility is one of the great strengths of the SaaS model.

Our offer takes the form of a monthly subscription, the price of which is proportional to the number of users. A fixed price every month!

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    Who are we ?

    We're experienced business managers, from start-ups to small and medium-sized companies.

    Where did the idea for Simpleter ERP come from ?

    Our professional lives have shown us how important it is to back up our organization, management, financial management, sales and technical skills with user-friendly, high-performance software.

    As we couldn't find an all-in-one tool that was perfectly suited to small and medium-sized firms, taking into account every aspect of a company's business, we had the idea of creating it!

    That's what we've achieved with Simpleter: an integrated management software package that's complete, user-friendly, efficient and SIMPLE to use.

    What does the Simpleter application offer ?

    Simpleter ERP provides the rigor and traceability needed for good management, and decision support by offering all the reports required and relevant to each business line and department within the company.

    As far as management is concerned, Simpleter does not replace human contact, but simplifies information, communication and training by integrating messaging adapted to each situation. Delivering the right message, to the right person, at the right time, becomes simple.

    We also wanted to bring greater peace of mind to business owners, with highly accurate analytical financial management, enabling them to measure expenses, revenues and results at any time, either globally or in detail.

    Rigor, dynamism, serenity, development, simplicity and user-friendliness are the key factors that have enabled us to offer you the Simpleter software package today.

    Simpleter: designed by business leaders, built around the company's core businesses.

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    Definition of business procedures

    Business procedures" are processes specific to each business. For example, a maintenance company will have maintenance plans to follow, a security company will have a rounds checklist to validate, an insurance expert will have a counter-assessment report to complete, and an inspection office will have a regulatory technical report to submit.

    Managing business procedures in the Simpleter solution

    The Simpleter ERP system lets you create passive or active procedures , linking them to the relevant work order. A single click is all it takes for the manager to add the procedure to the work order, and the technician in the field will also open the procedure linked to his or her mission with a single click.

    These procedures can simply be made available to the operator, or required for reading by a receiving management, or can be active, with data to be filled in and returned to the company with the feedback report.

    Customization of business procedures in the Simpleter application

    Procedure templates are available in our software and can be fully customized. You can create your own procedures according to:

    • Your business
    • Your organization

    This customization enables you to optimize each intervention to guarantee maximum efficiency. You can prepare your staff (in-house or outsourced) for their work with the utmost precision, ensuring that it is carried out professionally and to the highest standards. What's more, Simpleter's dematerialized procedures facilitate data collection and transmission from the office to the field, and vice-versa. They also prevent data entry errors and guarantee the reliability of information.

    These procedures, drawn up by your management team, guarantee a clear definition of the work to be carried out.

    Your technicians are more efficient in the field thanks to these pre-parameterized, paperless procedures, instantly available on their smartphone or tablet.

    Reports are transmitted instantly at the end of each intervention. As a result, your business processes are simplified, and your technicians waste less time on administrative tasks.

    And you don't need any special computer skills either, as you can easily create your own procedures perfectly adapted to your business from within the application, thanks to the existing templates.

    Simpleter is a powerful software package that stands out for its ability to customize and manage business processes efficiently.

    Simpleter ERP is a technical application that enables you to organize your business efficiently and specifically. Its business orientation sets it apart from other management software.

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    Simplicity and ergonomics

    Simpleter's simplicity comes from the experience of its designers. While Simpleter is intuitive to use, it also places great emphasis on providing the user with all the assistance required for autonomy and training.

    Demonstration videos are available, as are help buttons integrated into the software :

    The flowchart button

    The flowchart button explains in schematic form the function of the page displayed in the software.

    Simpleter is intuitive, but if necessary, a flowchart explains each function. The user understands the environment in which he or she is operating and the different choices available.

    A simple example:

    A work order submitted by a customer may or may not require the prior preparation of a quote. The flowchart for creating a task explains the process to be followed.


    • Simple presentation

    • Staff training

    • Employee autonomy

    The legend button

    The Legend button specifies the abbreviations and colors used in the Simpleter tool. The legend is a classic.

    Example :

    Planning color codes, which define non-conformities, statuses, warnings, ... Legends enable the user to understand the codes autonomously.


    • Intelligent visuals

    • User assistance

    • Self-training

    The traceability button

    The Traceability button allows you to "go back in time" and retrieve the full processing history of the current page (who did what and when?).

    Every 'click' in the Simpleter software package is recorded and saved. It's possible to find out who did what and when.


    • Recording and saving

    • History

    • Detailed traceability

    The information button

    The Information button in the Simpleter application, as its name suggests, provides information on the functionalities of the selected page.

    Below the INFORMATION button, the Simpleter tool provides the explanations needed to fully understand the page content.


    • Clarification of the vocabulary used

    • Clarification of possible choices

    • Autonomy and progression

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    The business is at the heart of Simpleter

    The business is at the core: it's up to the software to adapt to the company's business, not the other way around !

    Detailed settings for the Simpleter software package

    For this reason, in the Simpleter application, most management data can be parameterized by the company.

    For example, you can choose your own:

    • Company and business vocabulary
    • Procedures
    • Technical skills
    • Services
    • Hierarchical organization
    • Analytical breakdown

    Reporting, non-compliance warnings, etc., as well as certain collective bargaining agreements (working hours, vacations, etc.) can also be configured by the company.

    Some parameters structure the Simpleter skeleton and cannot be modified.

    Most of the company's activity management data can be parameterized to suit the company (vocabulary, organization, services, etc.).

    • Easy deployment of the software to users
    • Staff buy-in

    In the same way, Simpleter parameterizes the company's business :

    • Technical skills
    • Expertise
    • Procedures
    • Operating conditions
    • Management conditions

    These customizable parameters at all levels make Simpleter easy to understand.


    • Fast processing of operations
    • Relevance of analytical accounting
    • Respect for corporate culture

    In short, Simpleter ERP adapts to your business, your vocabulary and your organization.

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    A company is a complex world, made up of people and procedures.

    It's important for a business management tool like Simpleter to help simplify the organization.

    It must therefore itself be SIMPLE, logical, relevant and intuitive.

    The second part of the Simpleter brand, "ETER", or Empêcher de Tourner En Rond, provides the dynamism and questioning necessary for any business.

    Simpleter gives users the means to OPTIMIZE their organization by :

    • Reducing management time
    • Automating recurring tasks
    • Optimizing planning
    • Preventing non-conformities

    Simpleter is:

    • Simple to deploy
    • Simple to understand
    • Simple to use

    >> Simpleter stops you from going round in circles !

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    Simpleter software makes Human Resources management easier

    The efficiency of each employee depends on his or her mastery of the processes linked to his or her position :

    • Goals

    • Input data

    • Tasks to be performed

    • Output data

    • Added value

    This mastery is partly proportional to the seniority of the person in his or her position.

    Anticipating and supporting change with the Simpleter application

    However, things are changing, and younger employees are more open to change than older ones:

    • Change of function

    • Change of company

    The company must anticipate and assist this trend, in order to guarantee:

    • Continuity of service

    • Quality of customer service

    In each position, the tasks to be accomplished are multiple :

    • Data entry

    • Analysis

    • Reflection

    • Formatting

    • Realization

    • Informing

    Simpleter is involved in each of these tasks :

    • By providing the employee with as much known data as possible

    • By providing relevant work tools

    Simpleter ERP :

    • Handles all features that can be automated on its own

    • Offers relevant support adapted to the company's business

    Examples :

    • Procedures delivered at the right time, in the right place, when the employee needs them

    • Information transmitted to the right person, at the right time

    • Non-compliance warnings

    • Automatic planning

    • Pre-formatted and adaptable administrative documents

    • Automatic sorting and filtering to inform on urgencies, volumes to be treated, expectations of the environment, etc.

    Simpleter's software provides each employee with such assistance as to enable him or her to have less knowledge of the overall process of his or her function, and to progress rapidly.

    This results in :

    • Enables less demanding recruitment

    • Facilitates the development of employees within the company

    Which leads to: :

    • Increased employee satisfaction

    • Greater loyalty to the company

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    Take the exciting road to paperlessness with our ERP and discover the multiple benefits it will bring to your business. Not only will you help preserve the environment, but you'll also experience a positive transformation in many key aspects of your business management.

    Improved corporate image

    The first benefit of going paperless with our ERP is the enhancement of your corporate image. By taking an environmentally responsible approach to eliminating paper with our digital solution, you demonstrate to your customers, suppliers and service providers your commitment to preserving the planet. This initiative will reinforce your reputation as a modern, responsible company, setting you apart from competitors.

    Customers are sensitive to the ecological approach! Your commitment to going paperless becomes a selling point and strengthens your brand image!

    Increased productivity

    Productivity is another area where our software will work wonders. Procedures are automated, plannings are optimized ( travel, workload, skills) and administrative tasks are reduced, enabling your team to concentrate on higher value-added tasks. Productivity gains translate into greater efficiency, shorter lead times and cost savings. Our all-in-one business management tool enables you to eliminate time-consuming tasks and the associated human errors. Information will be instantly accessible, enabling your teams to make informed decisions and act quickly to meet your customers' needs. Technicians fill in their work order directly in Simpleter using their smartphone (it's even possible to dictate the report orally), and as soon as the customer signs off at the end of the intervention, the work report will be available (with arrival and departure times, and the list of supplies used). In short, going paperless with our digital tool brings you :

    • Rapidity and efficiency, thanks to pre-set procedures
    • Reliability, because no more input errors or lost documents
    • Reduced administrative workload

    The Simpleter software package also guarantees efficient communication and interactivity (field staff, office staff, service providers, suppliers, customers). The right information, at the right time, to the right person (customers, employees, service providers, etc.). No need to wait for paper workorders: thanks to our management tool, information is available in real time !

    Improved security and reliability

    When it comes to security and reliability, Simpleter's digital solution will exceed your expectations. Benefit from optimum data security thanks to our ERP and triple-secure cloud hosting. No more storing your documents in cupboards, no more tedious searches, no more lost or damaged paper documents. Everything is digitalized and accessible with just one click !

    Information flows between field staff, office staff and customers are reliable and in real time. You no longer have to worry about the risk of information being lost or misinterpreted due to illegible handwriting, and so on. Every piece of data is traced (date and time) and accessible in real time.

    Increased customer satisfaction

    Thanks to our management software package, communication is easy and instantaneous at every stage between customer, manager and service provider. No more waiting days for paper feedback reports, and no more risk of not being able to reread handwritten reports, or of losing or damaging paper records.

    Simpleter guarantees better tracking of your work orders. Your customers have real-time access to plannings, quotes, pictures, reports, etc. No need to wait for paper documents before informing your customers of the progress of tasks. Everything (who, what, when, how) is traced in the software package, from the moment a customer request is taken into account to the invoicing of the intervention. This traceability ensures faultless reliability of information (customer databases, service providers, supplies, travel routes and intervention times of your field staff, etc.), which considerably reduces lead times. Our all-in-one tool enables you to read reports in real time, and quickly calculate and invoice. Efficiency for your customers.

    Finally, let's talk about savings. By eliminating the costs associated with printing (paper, ink, printer purchase and maintenance), storing and archiving paper documents, you'll generate considerable savings.

    Going paperless with our ERP will enable you to preserve the planet, automate your processes, optimize your resources, improve your productivity, brand image and customer satisfaction, while increasing your overall profitability.

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    In today's business world, efficient management tools are essential to remain competitive. Separate systems for sales, human resources, quotes, planning and logistics need to be able to communicate with each other, and are linked manually or in complicated ways. Recognizable to you?

    In this article, we'll look at the benefits of an all-in-one ERP like Simpleter, a software package that offers a complete solution for managing your business.

    What is an all-in-one system?

    When we talk about an all-in-one system, we're talking about an ERP offering complete integration of all the essential functions needed to run a business. The all-in-one ERP includes all functions for all departments, from customer relationship management to planning and administration.

    Operational, functional and financial management are carried out from a single centralized application.

    Benefits of an all-in-one system

    1. Centralization

    The greatest advantage of an all-in-one system is that it centralizes all functions and is accessible to everyone via a simple Internet connection. The various departments work together optimally, without the need for double entry or manual conversion of information.

    The complete integration of all company functions facilitates communication between different departments and the management of all company activities.

    This results in quicker, more accurate decision-making.

    2. Process automation

    Using an all-in-one ERP system streamlines and automates many processes. Manual and repetitive tasks can be automated, reducing errors and freeing up staff time to concentrate on higher value-added tasks. With functionalities such as work order management, sales or even optimized resource planning, an all-in-one ERP improves your company's operational efficiency.

    3. Real-time data accessibility

    Centralizing the various databases (customers, employees, service providers, suppliers, etc.) in an all-in-one ERP system gives you access to precise, up-to-date data in real time. This facilitates informed decision-making, as you have up-to-date information on, for example, work-in-progress, the history of tasks on a specific site, non-compliances or your company's performance. Whether you're tracking tasks, customer quotes, analytical accounting or assessing your employees' training needs, an all-in-one ERP provides dashboards and synthetic reports in real time, giving you a complete overview of your business. Thanks to the Customer Web Portal, your customers can also easily track the progress of interventions and quotes, requested or to be validated, for example.

    4. Customization and scalability

    All-in-one ERPs offer a high degree of flexibility and parameterization. You can customize the tool to suit your organization and business procedures, to meet your company's specific needs. What's more, as your business grows, an all-in-one ERP like Simpleter will keep pace with your growth, because our software is designed for all types and all sizes of companies, so there's no need to change tools if you expand, even internationally !

    5. Clear costs

    When you opt for an all-in-one solution, the costs are clear. A fixed monthly price is agreed based on the number of users, so there are no surprises later on, and no hidden costs.

    6. A clear overview

    Using a single ERP system gives you an excellent overview of all information and activities. You also get a real-time overview of figures, non-compliances, work-in-progress, historical data and forecasts. Because all data is in the same system, it is reliable and information can be easily linked.

    7. Low maintenance

    An all-in-one system requires little maintenance. There's no need to update separate functions or systems. In an all-in-one system, all modules are updated at the same time.


    Simpleter is an all-in-one ERP! It's a powerful business management tool, offering complete integration, process automation, real-time data access and scalability. By using our all-in-one software package, you can improve operational efficiency, optimize decision-making and promote business growth. Don't let your business be held back by scattered systems, opt for our all-in-one software and maximize your company's potential today. Simpleter is easy to use, intuitive, user-friendly and ergonomic.

    Ask us for a no-obligation demo :

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    Simpleter software is technical and precise

    1. Each work order is split into homogeneous tasks

    To each task are attached :

    • Operational management tasks

    • Functional management tasks

    It's important to manage all these tasks in a consistent way, so that you stay in control of your business.

    Simpleter ERP optimizes and simplifies

    2. Operational management tasks

    • Work orders

    • Planning

    • Supply orders

    • Subcontracts

    • Operational procedures

    • Intervention reports

    • ...

    Our application optimizes and simplifies the completion of each task by providing the maximum amount of known data (standard texts, history, automatic planning, etc.).

    Our Simpleter software guides, clarifies and warns

    3.Functional management tasks

    • Onboarding

    • Training

    • Analytical accounting

    • Quality management

    • Security

    • ...

    The tool frames your work and warns you. Each work order is managed and traceable.

    Simpleter makes work order management efficient

    Our management software :

    • Provides operational precision by structuring project preparation (procedures, planning, automatic information, etc.)

    • Offers standard functionalities that save you time and provide the desired precision (quotes, tasks, correspondence, stocks, tools, etc.).

    • Optimizes planning by reconciling a wide range of data (skills, locations, workloads, etc.).

    Every job is tracked until it's completed. Communication (computer, smartphone, tablet) is simple and intuitive.

    Let's start simplifying your business right right now :

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    There are many advantages, and we're delighted to answer this question by introducing Simpleter: a real revolution in the world of ERP solutions! Our all-in-one management tool will take your business to new heights.

    User-friendliness, simplicity, security, automation and efficiency are the cornerstones of our integrated management software, designed by experienced business leaders and built around the company's core businesses. Thanks to our powerful platform, you can say goodbye to problems of data dispersal and information loss. All your data is centralized in one secure location, with real-time accessibility for you and your staff. Via the Customer Web Portal, your customers will also be able to follow the planning of entrusted tasks in real time, read feedback reports, submit new service requests or validate your quotes. For your part, you'll be able to make informed decisions and act swiftly on the basis of the most up-to-date information, thanks to a global view of all your activities right from the home page (KPIs, non-compliance warnings, work in progress, received documents, etc.). 

    But the benefits of Simpleter don't stop there. Imagine an improved brand image thanks to the transition to paperless. This eco-responsible approach is a real selling point, and your customers will appreciate it! Gone, too, are the mountains of paper and time wasted storing and managing documents. Thanks to our ERP, you can manage your work orders, contracts and feedback reports entirely digitally. This "zero paper thanks to our ERP" policy will not only help you preserve the environment, but also improve your operational efficiency.

    Speaking of efficiency, our management software offers you unprecedented structuring and improvement of communication within your company, but also with your customers, service providers and suppliers. Information exchanges between different departments become fluid and transparent, encouraging collaboration and collective decision-making. Procedures are simplified and automated, freeing up valuable time to concentrate on higher value-added tasks.

    And that's not all! Thanks to our software, you can also make substantial savings. Going paperless considerably reduces your costs: costs associated with printing, storing and managing physical documents become obsolete. What's more, our solution integrates advanced functionalities such as procedure and quotation management, or planning optimization for itinerant staff, reducing the number of travels and consequently the time spent on the road. This frees up your staff's time for value-added tasks, in addition to the time saved by reducing administrative tasks as a result of digitizing their work, which translates into increased staff loyalty and higher productivity. Moreover, this increase in productivity, combined with improved responsiveness, is sure to please your customers !

    And speaking of customer satisfaction, our Simpleter ERP puts customers at the heart of your business. Thanks to better data management, you can optimize interactions with your customers, offer faster services and meet their needs more precisely. The efficiency, ergonomics and user-friendliness of our ERP also make it easier for your customers to access information via the Customer Web Portal, enhancing their overall experience.

    In short, our ERP is much more than just a management tool. It's a true partner for your business! All these Simpleter's advantages enables you to make your employees, service providers, suppliers and customers simply happier, while improving your financial results !

    Discover Simpleter's key benefits in video :

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    The Simpleter effect at time of acquisition

    Simpleter is a simple to understand and to use, logical and ergonomic business management tool, built around the company's businesses and their specific features.

    Simpleter operates in SaaS mode, offering triple security for your data and giving you the choice of hosting. No IT maintenance or specific skills to integrate.

    The Simpleter effect:

    Company staff are quick to adopt Simpleter.

    No heavy investment

    The Simpleter effect on your employees

    Simpleter is intuitive and people-oriented. The application is structured to provide the maximum number of relevant management elements. It can be parameterized and customized according to the company's business (vocabulary, procedures, organization, etc.).

    The Simpleter effect:

    Autonomy: thanks to integrated help buttons (flowchart, legend, information, traceability).

    Motivation: integrated operational help buttons automate repetitive, tedious tasks.

    Progress: alerts, work-in-progress and indicators guide users on a daily basis.

    The Simpleter effect on your customers

    Simpleter "wakes up" your company, as it analyzes data, comments on results and alerts you to any non-compliances identified. Detailed tables encourage employees to keep up to date. In this way, company procedures are respected and the quality of business processing improves. Customers notice!

    The Simpleter effect:

    Improved customer satisfaction

    Long-term customer loyalty

    Simpleter opens on the home page, offering you complete reporting on your activity:

    • Non-compliance warnings
    • Work in progress
    • Indicators
    • Emergencies
    • History
    • Messages

    Graphs give you trends in the activities for which you are responsible. Links guide you precisely to the relevant features, and emergencies are clearly indicated.

    The Simpleter effect:

    Precise knowledge of activity

    Knowledge of urgencies

    Carrying out tasks in the right order

    Complete control of your business management

    The Simpleter effect on your company's profitability

    Simpleter gives users the means to optimize their organization (reduced management time, optimized planning, preventive management of non-conformities, etc.). The profitability, sustainability and development of your business are assured.

    The Simpleter effect:

    Reduced management time

    Increased financial margin

    Increased turnover

    The Simpleter effect is everything we wish for you! Want to experience the Simpleter effect?

    Contact us:

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    Revolution in the world of business management software: The era of "BoBW" Solutions


    The rapid evolution of technology has brought about significant changes in the way companies manage their operations. One of the most crucial decisions facing companies is the choice between "Best of Breed" (BoB) and "Best of Suite" (BoS) solutions to meet their software needs. However, a new era is dawning with the introduction of solutions such as Simpleter, which completely redefine this dichotomy by proposing an innovative approach: "Best of Both Worlds" (BoBW) solutions.

    Understanding the concepts: Best of Breed versus Best of Suite

    Traditionally, companies have been faced with the dilemma between "Best of Breed" and "Best of Suite" solutions. BoB solutions are specialized software designed to excel in a specific field, while BoS solutions are integrated suites combining several modules to cover a wide range of needs.

    BoB solutions are praised for their cutting-edge expertise, offering the best performance in their respective fields. However, they can sometimes lack seamless integration with other software, resulting in information silos and interoperability challenges. BoS solutions, on the other hand, offer an all-in-one solution and more consistent integration, but can sometimes fall short of optimum quality in each specific domain.

    The Revolution: "Best of Both Worlds" all-in-one solutions

    The emergence of solutions such as Simpleter is revolutionizing the way companies think about their software options. Imagine a single tool that brings together the best specialized functionality from each business domain (operational, functional and financial). The concept of all-in-one BoBW solutions transcends the boundaries between BoB and BoS solutions, offering an approach that seems too good to be true, and yet....

    The obvious benefits

    • Integrated specialized excellence : BoBW all-in-one solutions provide access to cutting-edge expertise in every field, without sacrificing interoperability.
    • Elimination of silos : Specialized software can often create silos in data and processes. All-in-one BoBW solutions break down these silos by offering a centralized platform.
    • Efficiency gains : All-in-one BoBW solutions reduce the complexity of managing multiple software packages, resulting in efficiency gains and reduced subscription and training costs.

    Meticulous design and development

    Integrating several specialized functionalities into a single tool required careful design and development by the Simpleter team to ensure a smooth user experience and optimal performance. In addition, upgrades and scalability are carefully managed to meet changing business needs.


    The future of enterprise software is changing dramatically with the emergence of "Best of Both Worlds" all-in-one solutions like Simpleter. This innovative approach resolves the classic dilemma between specialized solutions and integrated suites, offering an integral solution that combines cutting-edge expertise with seamless interoperability. As companies seek to optimize their operations, this new era of software solutions promises a revolutionary experience that can reshape the way businesses thrive in the ever-changing digital world.

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    We know that the subject of intervention management for service companies, whether small, medium or large, is a major one, as it has a direct impact on the company's productivity and profitability! Simpleter, the modern, technical all-in-one ERP, is designed specifically to meet this need. We know from experience that planning interventions is critical, and that's exactly where Simpleter shines.

    Geographical and skills optimization : Our software intelligently analyzes the geolocation of your field staff and combines this information with their skills to create optimized intervention planning. No more unnecessary journeys, wasted time or unnecessary fuel costs.

    Automatic planning : Simpleter lets you generate schedules in just a few clicks. You no longer need to spend hours thinking about the best way to allocate work. Our system automatically takes into account the frequency and duration of your annual preventive maintenance, for example, maximizing your team's productivity.

    Non-compliance warnings : With Simpleter, you can monitor the progress of each workorder in real time. Receive instant alerts in case of non-compliance (exceeding the legal duration of a working day or the estimated duration of an intervention, etc.). So you can resolve problems before they become major impediments.

    Workload management : You can say goodbye to over- or understaffing of your field technicians. Simpleter automatically balances the workload and ensures that every member of your team is used efficiently, because a technician with an empty spot in his schedule means a loss of money for the company.

    Managing completion constraints : Our software takes into account the specific constraints of each intervention, whether for a specific customer, a specific site or business procedures. You can be sure that every workorder will be carried out according to the requirements.

    Multi-site, multi-day and multi-intervener optimization : Simpleter can seamlessly manage multi-site, multi-day, multi-staff interventions. No more logistical headaches, just smooth planning.

    Management of specific supplies and tools : In addition to scheduling, Simpleter optimizes the management of your specific supplies and tools. This ensures that you always have the right equipment in the right place at the right time.

    In short, Simpleter revolutionizes intervention scheduling for service companies. More productivity, fewer unnecessary kilometers, and less unnecessary expenses. Simple and efficient!

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    We understand how crucial the security of your data is. That's why at Simpleter, we do everything we can to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your information. Here's how we protect your data:

    - High-quality hosting in Europe: Your data is hosted on servers located in Europe, ensuring the highest standards of security and confidentiality.

    - Regular backups and archiving: The Simpleter solution features an automated backup mechanism. Data is backed up daily and archived on a rotating cycle of days/weeks/months/years (7 days retained, 4 weeks retained, 12 months retained and an annual backup). In the event of a compromise, with a daily backup by default, it will be possible to go back to the previous day's backup and quickly recover a production situation. This ensures that your data is available when you need it, while guaranteeing its integrity over the long term.

    - Secured two-factor authentication: Simpleter uses two-factor authentication, which means that access to your data requires additional verification beyond a simple password. This strengthens the security of your accounts and prevents any potential compromise.

    - SQL database protection: Your data is stored in a secure SQL database, protected by a company-specific administration account. This guarantees restricted, controlled access to your sensitive data, reinforcing its security.

    - Isolation of enterprise instances in secure containers: Enterprise" instances are isolated in dedicated containers, each with its own security system managed by Simpleter. This isolation guarantees the confidentiality and security of each company's data.

    - Simpleter uses the Docker software container solution, making it independent of the operating system on which it runs. Each container has a specific responsibility within the ecosystem, enabling operations to be isolated with no impact on the user and greater security.

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    Simpleter deployment is designed to be fast and efficient, enabling your company to benefit from its features in a very short time compared to our competitors. Indeed, while similar solutions can take several months to set up, Simpleter can be deployed in just a few days to a few weeks.

    We start with an initial meeting with your team to clearly define your aims and expectations. Once this has been done, we proceed with the initial configuration of Simpleter according to the specifics of your sector of activity, including your vocabulary and business procedures, the security parameters i.e. the measures put in place to protect your data (passwords, encryption...), the number of user accounts to be created with unique identifiers as well as the management of access rights determining what each person will be able to see, modify or delete in Simpleter according to the role assigned (manager, director, technician...).

    This phase also includes importing your existing data into Simpleter, ensuring that data integrity is possible and secure.

    What's more, as Simpleter is a SaaS solution, there's no hardware installation required. You can access the application via the Internet on any device (smartphone, tablet or computer), which greatly simplifies the set-up process.

    Finally, once Simpleter is up and running, we offer training sessions and ongoing support to ensure that you and your team can use all the features in an optimal way, in the most common case our customers don't need this training, as the tool is simple and intuitive.

    In short, Simpleter's implementation is distinguished by its rapidity and simplicity, enabling your company to quickly benefit from a high-performance, intuitive tool, while minimizing interruptions of daily operations.

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