Software for managing supply orders and service contracts

Your company...

In the day-to-day running of your company, purchasing supplies and subcontracting services are routine operations.

You need to consult suppliers, place orders, manage deliveries, consult service providers, enter and check invoices, and finally, pay your suppliers and service providers. Rigorous management of these processes, in particular subcontracting, is essential to comply with current regulations and ensure the proper management of your data.

Supply orders and service contracts

The Simpleter solution

Simpleter integrates all these tasks.

Your supplier, supplies and service provider databases are dynamic, and optimize the processing of these tasks (consultations, orders, Receipts, invoice validations, etc.). Known data makes management easier (dependency rates, alerts, order or service contract templates, standardized texts, etc.).

In just three clicks, your service contract is correctly drafted and sent, and placing an order takes only a few minutes.

Your commitments are tracked and taken into account in your analytical and general accounting.

During the installation of the software, existing data can be automatically uploaded, if your current application allows it.

Simpleter provides you with simplicity of realization and rigorous management.

Supply orders and service contracts

Let’s start simplifying your business right away!

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