High-performance analytical accounting module for smooth management

Your company...

Company directors, heads of departments, managers - you all need steering tools to organize and control your activities.

Analytical accounting is indispensable for understanding your accounts and making decisions.

It has nothing to do with general accounting, which is formatted to present the company's overall financial and tax results.

Analytical accounting presents the details of each activity, split up as you wish. It enables you to understand your results, and the causes of your profits and losses.

Unlike general accounting, it doesn't wait until the end of your financial year to give you the figures - you get them every month, after you've entered your payroll. Your management is more responsive.

Gestion analytique comptable

The Simpleter solution

All expenses and all revenues are in Simpleter.

Every task is linked to a business account, whether operational or functional, and overheads are also managed analytically.

Your expense reports, research, production, warranty and management costs are all taken into account.

Analytical accounting data are automatically transferred to general accounting.

You'll enjoy synthetic visual reports for fast, user-friendly analysis (tables, curves, alerts, etc.).

Simpleter keeps you informed of your company's figures in real time, so you can react quickly. You'll be able to run your business with serenity.

Gestion analytique comptable

Let’s start simplifying your business right away!

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