
Your company...

Your company is a model of efficiency and collaboration, but managing internal requests can sometimes become a real brain-teaser.

Whether at head office, branches or franchises, employees are often asked to report a variety of problems or needs. It's not uncommon for several people to identify the same concern, such as a clogged toilet, and each submit a separate request.

In this context, the person in charge of processing these tickets, whether based at head office, in a branch or in a franchise, then finds himself overwhelmed by duplicates and has to spend a considerable amount of time sorting, eliminating redundancies and informing each employee individually of progress in resolving the problem.

For franchises in particular, this situation can quickly become a coordination challenge, where the multiplication of similar requests at different sites further complicates management.

This not only slows down problem resolution, but also disperses energy and resources that could be used more productively.


The Simpleter solution

In order to guarantee efficient and transparent management of internal requests (tickets), a ticketing module is essential.

The Simpleter solution revolutionizes the management of internal requests with its advanced ticketing module, which is also particularly advantageous for franchises.

Simpleter centralizes all requests, automatically detects duplicates and provides real-time updates to the relevant employees. By streamlining this process, Simpleter ensures that every issue is dealt with quickly and efficiently, reducing the time spent sorting requests and communicating.

For franchises, this solution helps maintain consistency in ticket management across different sites, while making it easier to track and resolve issues specific to each branch.

In short, Simpleter makes life easier for businesses by improving ticket management, allowing them to devote more time to strategic tasks and improve employee satisfaction.

This dynamic ticketing process ensures that every problem is reported, dealt with and tracked efficiently, eliminating duplication and the need for repetitive communication.


Let’s start simplifying your business right away!

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