Fleet management module

Your company...

Fleet management is designed for companies with large or small fleets of vehicles.

It involves appointing a person to manage the entire fleet. This includes tasks such as maintenance, contracting and vehicle allocation.

You have a diversified fleet of vehicles, and are faced with a number of challenges inherent in managing its logistics and transport activities. Efficient coordination of vehicles, real-time monitoring of the fleet, mileage, management of anti-pollution certificates, and car overhauls and inspections are all crucial points which have a direct impact on your productivity and profitability.

The need to optimize routes, minimize downtime, guarantee driver safety and anticipate potential breakdowns represents a major challenge for your business.

Fleet management

The Simpleter solution

An ERP like Simpleter simplifies the management of a company's internal vehicle fleets with a dedicated Fleet Management module.

You can create different vehicle fleets: the fleet of field staff, that of sales staff or that of management. In addition to the above-mentioned features, the management software offers detailed global monitoring of the internal vehicle fleet, and sometimes even integrates, as does Simpleter, a system for monitoring external vehicle fleets, i.e. those of your customers.

Management software such as Simpleter will inform you in advance of vehicles requiring replacement, enabling you to organize your replacement cycles optimally. What's more, it lets you define your own allocation criteria and limits for authorized options. By digitizing the entire ordering process, you'll have precise visibility over the progress of your orders, enabling you to put your different suppliers and leasers in competition with each other.

The vehicle fleet management module is a further enhancement to Simpleter software, making it even easier to manage your business, by offering comprehensive and precise tools to simplify and optimize fleet management and improve your company's overall profitability.

Fleet management

Let’s start simplifying your business right away!

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