Quality and Security integrated into all modules of the software package

Your company...

Quality refers to the ability to meet the requirements of our customers.

Security encompasses all actions and means that contribute to ensuring that individuals do not suffer any physical and/or moral harm in the course of their work.

These two concepts are fundamental concepts in any serious, professional company. Although these are often cross-functional departments in the company's organization, they concern all company players, including stakeholders (subcontractors, suppliers and customers).

These cross-functional issues concern all processes and all features.

Quality and Security

The Simpleter solution

Quality and security are integrated into all Simpleter modules.

Each department has its own indicators and quality and security goals. Security takes the form of dedicated information fields, documents attached to work orders, security sheets for hazardous products, prevention plans, SWMS, security briefings, etc.

Safety and quality managers are responsible for the administration of these two themes, as well as for summary reports enabling analysis of compliance with goals.

Simpleter consistently considers both security and quality aspects.

Quality and Security

Let’s start simplifying your business right away!

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