A simple, high-performance Work Order management software package

Your company...

A company carries out a variety of tasks, both internal and external.

Internal tasks are linked to functional structures (Human Resources, Accounting, General Services, etc.).

External tasks (customer-facing operational tasks) involve operational structures such as managers, account managers, R & D, contractors, service providers...

Vocabulary differs from one profession to another, and is often enriched by technical terms specific to each field. Simpleter has grasped this concept, which is why our software can be customized to suit your terminology.

It's crucial to manage all these tasks consistently, so you can maintain control over your business. Optimize your business management with our ERP software!

Work Order Management

The Simpleter solution

To guarantee optimum management and traceability, each work order is broken down into homogeneous tasks.

This makes it easier to organize work, and ensures a fair distribution of the workload within the team. Each task is assigned to a specific member, according to their skills and availability.

In this way, by breaking down the work order into different stages, it's easier to monitor the project's progress and ensure that every aspect is taken care of efficiently. This structured approach fosters collaboration and communication within the team, contributing to the overall success of the project.

Operational management tasks (work orders, planning, supply orders, subcontracting, operational procedures, feedback reports, etc.) or functional tasks (integration, training, analytical accounting, quality, safety, etc.).

By merging a wide range of data (skills, locations, workloads, etc.), Simpleter optimizes planning by simplifying the execution of each task, using the maximum amount of known information (standard texts, history, automatic planning, etc.), making management more efficient.

Every job is tracked until it is completed. Communicating with our management solution is easy and intuitive, thanks to our SaaS mode (SMARTPHONE, TABLET or PC). You have the flexibility to manage your tasks wherever and whenever you want.

Simpleter is technical software that lets you manage your business efficiently and cost-effectively.

Work Order Management

Let’s start simplifying your business right away!

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