Belgian companies are open to Simpleter

Simpleter expands in Belgium

Simpleter was marketed in Belgium, first in French and then in Dutch in the spring of 2023.

Given the positive response from Belgian companies, we decided to improve our offering in this country. The start of Simpleter's integration into several companies in Wallonia has prompted us to invest faster than planned. Demand is high, especially for Simpleter's CMMS module.

Simpleter's TECHNICAL focus makes the difference, and the Global Management aspect is a real eye-catcher.

Those who can do more, can do less!

Yes, but there is still a demand for partial management. We have to take that into account and offer a service that caters to that. One SME only wants to manage its sales department, the other wants to manage the technical operational process, the business. Simpleter knows how to respond to this partial demand, even if, from experience, customers add other modules very quickly, because they see the benefits of cross-functional communication.

It is up to us to adapt to each situation, each request.

Simpleter expands in Belgium
Simpleter expands in Belgium

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