Simpleter and École Gustave: working together to help SMEs go digital

Simpleter and École Gustave: working together to help SMEs go digital

At Simpleter, we're delighted to announce a strategic partnership with École Gustave, a benchmark institution that trains the craftsmen of tomorrow: plumbers/heaters, electricians and roofers/ziners. This partnership embodies our commitment to supporting future professionals in the digital transformation of their trades.

Our role as Activateur France Num and our goal

As “Activateur France Num” (French government initiative to support SMEs in their digitalization)) and publisher of an all-in-one business management solution, our goal is clear: to facilitate the digital transition of SMEs. That's why we're proud to be working with the École Gustave to offer its apprentices and partner companies training in the digitalization of SMEs.

Courses dedicated to digitalization for tomorrow's craftsmen

Starting this new academic year, we will have the honor of running specific courses on the “digitalization of SMEs”. These sessions, open to École Gustave work-study graduates, offer an excellent opportunity to share our know-how and contribute to the French government's initiative to encourage the digital transformation of small and medium-sized businesses.

Preparing future craftsmen for digital challenges

For us, this partnership is much more than just a collaboration: it represents a crucial step in preparing the new generation of professionals for digital challenges. By integrating digital skills into the training of craftsmen, we are helping to ensure the sustainability and competitiveness of their businesses in an increasingly digitalized world.

Together for the digital transformation of technical business sectors

At Simpleter, we are convinced that the future of technical professions lies in digitalization. By investing in advanced technological tools such as Simpleter, we aim to automate repetitive tasks, improve the accuracy of operations and foster smoother collaboration between teams.

Together, we're creating an ecosystem where people and technology coexist harmoniously, paving the way for a future where technical professions are not only more efficient, but also more fulfilling.

Partnership Ecole Gustave
Partnership Ecole Gustave

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