Welcome to our Simpleter blog

Welcome to our Simpleter blog

Welcome to the Simpleter blog! We're delighted to welcome you to our community via this blog dedicated to SIMPLIFYING your business management. In this first article, we'd like to take you on a journey through our world and introduce you to what you can expect from us in the weeks and months ahead.

Why a Simpleter blog?

The answer is simple: SIMPLIFYING the management of your business is our passion, our expertise, our ambition and our mission. Many tools exist on the market, but very few are adapted to the needs of small and medium-sized service companies. Shaping a future where every service company, whatever its size, prospers thanks to simplified management is our leitmotiv! That's what we've created with Simpleter, an intuitive, efficient and user-friendly tool for small and medium-sized businesses. Even the most computer-averse will be won over! Simplifying the management of your business is much more than just a subject for us. It's our driving force, our essence, our will, and we want to share this passion with you.

Who are we?

We're business leaders with experience in setting up and running companies, from VSEs to SMEs. We've spent years exploring how to SIMPLIFY the management of our companies and looking for the ideal tool to support our operational, functional and financial management. When we couldn't find a tool that was user-friendly, exhaustive and efficient, we created it, and we're delighted to present you our modern, simple and technical software, and to put our knowledge at your disposal. You can find out more about our history and commitment on our "Simpleter" page and on our social media channels.

What can you expect?

Via the Simpleter blog, we're committed to providing quality content that informs, inspires, and entertains. Here's what you can expect:

Informative articles: We'll regularly publish in-depth articles on relevant topics about simplifying the management of your business. Expect detailed guides, practical tips and in-depth analysis.

Interviews with experts: We'll connect you with influential and skilled people in a variety of fields, giving you exclusive access to their experience and advice.

Inspiring stories: We'll share inspiring stories of people who have succeeded in simplifying their business management with Simpleter, hoping to motivate you and show you that your goals are achievable.

Let’s keep in touch!

The best way to make sure you don't miss anything is to subscribe to our newsletter. That way, you'll receive every new article straight into your inbox. You can also follow us on social media to keep up to date with our latest news:





We're looking forward to accompanying you on your journey through the fascinating world of business management. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please don't hesitate to share them with us. We're here for you!

See you soon for our next article!

Software that simplifies the management of your business
Software that simplifies the management of your business

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