Reinventing the wheel
A problem in many companies "reinventing the wheel"
Why do we keep making the same mistakes?
"If I had to reduce my message to business leaders to the bare minimum, I'd tell them that the only thing to do is to tackle reducing process variability."
Quote from William Edwards Deming (1900-1993), American professor of statistics
Yes, it's a well-known fact that we've been over the same thing a thousand times! It's as if we're doing it all over again.
That's because we don't take sufficient account of the fact that our employees change jobs and functions, and that new profiles don't have the experience of the old ones. Instead of consolidating, we start again!
Of course, this has major consequences for the company:
- Non-quality
- Additional costs
- Customer dissatisfaction
- Reduced employee motivation
- ...
We know the solution: have experienced people write the procedures for operational and functional tasks, and train our new employees to apply these procedures. Easy to say, harder to manage.

The Simpleter solution
Taking into account all company functions, Simpleter's structure enables us to map out the most efficient operational path by structuring processes and integrating technical procedures ("business" procedures).
In concrete terms, Simpleter can be used to create technical procedures, directing people to carry out a certain task according to a defined process, and structuring feedback so that it can be exploited.
Let's take the example of technical maintenance:
Most companies leave it up to individual technicians to carry out maintenance tasks as they wish. Only the title of the service is managed (Boiler maintenance). As a result, the quality of the services provided depends on the experience of each technician, and the added value expected is highly variable.
In this example, Simpleter can be used to attach an "Active" procedure to the technician's job order, breaking down the job into simple, traceable tasks. The technician is assisted by this procedure, follows the defined path, answers the questions asked and never forgets a task. The technician's report is precise and provides the functional structure with all the data expected, whatever the technician.
Simpleter then enables you to produce homogeneous data summaries. You can then make structured, relevant improvement proposals to your customers.
Simpleter lets you apply these procedures in a simple, natural and professional way. As experience becomes less essential, human resources management is simplified.

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