A new activity managed by Simpleter...

Mastering your development isn't easy !

Distributing, installing and maintaining drinking machines sounds simple, but in reality it's a complex business.

There are many constraints:

  • Machine inventory to manage
  • Stock of consumables and spare parts to define and organize
  • Different intervention conditions
  • Accessibility of intervention sites
  • Urgent breakdown requests
  • Supply of consumables
  • Maintenance schedule
  • Multiple billing conditions
  • Scattered sites
  • ...

Integrating and optimizing all these data is complex, and we quickly reach a point where we lose control when the volume becomes large.

The need for an overall view quickly becomes apparent. Integral support from Simpleter becomes indispensable:

  • Qualified registration of new orders
  • Inventory management
  • Optimized planning of deliveries and installations
  • Consumption and replenishment monitoring
  • Machine maintenance management
  • Personalized invoicing
  •  ... 

Simpleter integrates everything with precision.

Simpleter's advanced features let you control everything, without fear of development:

  • Simpleter's reports and historical data ensure you never run out of stock, and optimize your inventory
  • Planning suggests the best choice between an employee or a service provider
  • Consumption is recorded and triggers replenishment
  • Planning is optimized by taking all orders into account
  • Dematerialized reports are produced on site and validated by customers
  • Maintenance and installations are subject to "active procedures" to facilitate implementation

new business managed by simpleter
new business managed by simpleter
Global management with Simpleter
Global management with Simpleter

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